

Dirt Is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
(ein 84-2423432)

 Click on any of the links to learn more, find printable assets, and more.

Regional and National Resources

Nevada Contractors Association

The Nevada Contractors Association is a non-profit construction trade association run by contractors for the benefit of the construction industry.



AGC of America

Established in 1918, the Associated General Contractors of America is the oldest, largest and most respected construction trade association in the United States.



Desert Conservation Program

The DCP implements actions to ensure survivability of covered species in the wild.


Transport Ecology
A globally-relevant open access resource to share information, knowledge and experience in ecologically-friendly transport planning and management.


Bio Logical LLC

Wildlife Consulting and Biological Services for Solar, Infrastructure and Development Projects


Southern Nevada Water Authority

The Southern Nevada Water Authority builds and maintains an intricate system of intakes, water treatment facilities, pumping stations and pipelines to supply Southern Nevada with water.


Downloadable Resources

NEPA Handbook

California Survey and Monitoring Protocols and Guidelines (USFWS)

Nevada Tortoise Pre-project Survey Guidelines (USFWS)

Nevada Wildlife Action Plan

Air Quality, Clark County, NV

Nevada Botany Directory